Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

On the NAEYC website there is a section devoted to professional development.  I use this section almost on a daily basis when needing to look up essential information, facts or resources concerning students in my class or the overall program in general.  I have a great interest in this section of the NAEYC website.  This section also delivers what I think to be some controversial reports on research that has been conducted in the early childhood field.  This often brings new issues to mind or further research concerning the specific topic.  NAEYC is influential in many different ways.  Given that NAEYC is one of the largest organizations in the early childhood field it is often looked at by economist as well as politicians.  NAEYC stands strong for young children, and have many position statements that clearly support their thinking.  There are many different articles that are solely devoted to what neuroscientist, economists and politicians think and hold true.  These articles can be found on their professional development section.  There are updates constantly on this website.  I feel that any information I get from the NAEYC website is accurate.     


  1. Hello Brooke, I agree you NAEYC are one of the best website for professional in early childhood field. I will use it throughout my teaching career. Sophia

  2. Hi Brooke, I have also used this website for my professional development in early childhood. It appears other classmates have similar notions on this particular website. Thanks for sharing

  3. Hello Brooke,
    I agree with you that NAEYC is a reliable website that commands the respect of policy makers in educational sector. It's resources dwell on current issues in early childhood and are influenced by recent research findings from science and others. In all, they are insightful and a helpful guide to educators

  4. Hi Brooke,

    I also selected the NAEYC website to research. They provide great information which is current and informative. Especially for me since I am new to the early childhood field. Even though I do not have hands on experience working with children, I feel the NAEYC website is helping to prepare me for the future.

    Thanks for sharing.
