Wednesday, June 26, 2013

When I Think of Research......

I have gained so many valuable insights from taking this research course.  I have learned the value of quality research and how to find quality research when searching on the internet.  My ideas have remained somewhat the same when it comes to the nature of doing research.  Research is not my area of specialty, however I have enjoyed the insight I have gained from the course.  I learned how to plan, design and successfully conduct research through the research simulation project.  I encountered plenty of challenges in the course do to the fact that research is not my passion; however it is necessary in effectively learning to solve issues related to young children and the early childhood field as a whole. My perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course because I truly understand the need for high quality early childhood professionals.  There is a significant lack of high qualified early childhood educators and through research and understanding this can be improved in the future of early childhood education. 


  1. This course has taught me so much about research too! I am also not much of the researcher and found some of this course to be challenging but felt that I gained so much for the research that I did. It is a hard, long task but essential in the teaching field.

  2. I appreciate your honesty! I think I learned a lot of useful tools from this course, despite the fact that research is also not my area of expertise. I was most excited to learn about evaluating quality sources and where to access them. I also now view research as a key component to creating a shift in our field toward professionalism. If more people in the field realized how accessible research really is, then I think there would be a greater "buy in" to improving practice.

  3. Hi Brooke,
    Research is not my area of specialty either, but I have learned many insights that I can use in my professional field. I have enjoyed reading and sharing information with you and from what I can see, you are on your way to success. Good Luck!!

  4. Thank you for sharing on your blog each week, although we were group mates I tended to come over to your blog. This course has taught me so much about research and things I need to change with that regard. I haven't been the best at it before. All the best with your other courses.

  5. We have both learned a great deal while completing this course. I really enjoyed reading your post and wish you well in future courses.

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and learning about research and how to become a better research. I enjoyed reading and receiving the response from everyone, we have all learned and grown together. I wish everyone nothing but success.
