Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Final Blog for EDUC 6162-1

Learning about early childhood in the international realm of things is significant to all educators.  This is due in fact to the overwhelming diverse families that are entering the United States on a daily basis.  Educators must be highly aware of how to appropriately educate and communicate with families that are diverse.  Learning about the early childhood education field from an international standpoint is essential for educators to be more effective with their teaching and to understand the families and children that are in their care.  A continuing goal of mine is to continue learning and communicating with individuals internationally to continue enhancing my knowledge. 


  1. Hey Brooke, in the beginning of this course I was very worried about learning about research, because I thought we were going to have to do an actual research project and not just our own simulation. Dr. Myers is a wonderful instructor because she led us the entire way during this course. She gave us immediate feedback and helped us to formulate our hypothesis and research question. I can actually say that I have learned a lot of information about how to conduct reliable and valid research by taking the proper step. I do know why this course is important for us take and that is because every early childhood professional should know and understand when and why to conduct research, they need to know the actual steps of the research process and they need to know the fair and just way to design their research.

  2. Hello Brooke, I would like to say thank you for helping me learn throughout the past eight weeks. I agree with you that education should be well aware. As a professional in this field we need to stay knowledgeable in all that matter. Sophia
