Saturday, June 8, 2013

Getting to Know Your International Contacts

While reviewing the website Center on the Developing Child Harvard University I found it interesting that the center’s unfailing pledge to early childhood field as well as professionals is felt around the world.  The center appreciates the responsibility they have taken on by meeting the needs of all children and investing in quality education in the global world.  They work diligently to achieve the goals set forth.  The extensive program focuses on educating decision makers on the learning, health and behavior of children during their earliest years. 




  1. Hi Brooke,
    I found the Harvard website to be interesting as well and very insightful into different regions and their approach to ensuring children remain the core foundation of our society.

  2. Brooke,
    It was also interesting reading how the center was able to move out of U.S and help enlighten Brazilian policy makers on research findings on children learning and brain architecture and how they could use the information to formulate policies that will promote learning and development of a total child. Indeed, they are committed to investing to generate and apply new knowledge that address the health and developmental needs of young children.
