Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week 7

There are countless articles and a significant amount of essential information on this website that would directly relate to my professional goal.  The mere fact that this organizations strives to obtain high quality education for all children and to inform as many educators as possible of the vital information they can obtain by using this website as a valuable resource is a tool for my professional goal.  When obtaining my goal I will be influencing future educators to fully engage in learning and understanding about the broad spectrum of early childhood education from an international standpoint. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the First International Day of the Girl Child.  What a positive change for the world to recognize!


  1. I also learned a great deal from my website. It is amazing the amount of information these websites hold for teachers!

  2. Hello Brooke, thank you for sharing your experience of exploring your website. I also had a great experience with my website as well. I learned about how there is a program that help educators in Africa become better teachers and we all need some additional training. Sophia

  3. Thanks for sharing your experience form your website, there really is countless and significant amounts of articles available, when is the First International Day of Girl Child recognized and by which countries?

  4. I also learned a lot from this website, I focused on the mission and goals of the website. I am glad that you enjoyed the article as well. I read a few articles on the website. All very intriguing and pertains to our field of education.

  5. Hi Brooke,

    It is great to read what impact the resources are having on your goals. It sounds like you are very determined and I hope that you achieve teaching future educators about the scope of the field.
