Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

The outside sources on the NAEYC website offer exclusive information for childcare providers, parents and any individual looking to gain knowledge about the early childhood education field.  NAEYC is dedicated to providing up to date information on their website as well as provide other available resources.  I loved the article Five Essentials to Meaningful Play by Marcia L. Nell and Walter F. Drew.  This article assists parents in understanding the importance of play and the benefits that it brings to children and their development.  The NAEYC website offers a variety of information that adds to my personal understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education.  Everything on their website strengthens early childcare providers and programs through research and resources available.  Generally this website strengthens my knowledge through reading the different articles and research conducted.  I don’t know a time I have not learned something from viewing this website. 


  1. That article that you reviewed sounds like it has some very valuable information! It is so important that children are aloud the time to play inside and outside of school. This is were huge development starts to take place and children become themselves.

  2. Hi Brooke,
    According to National Institute of Play, play help to shape our brains and create our competencies. For example, it helps to unlock our human potentials. As you rightly said, NAEYC website has been very informative and readers leave with more insights.

  3. Hi Brooke,
    The article you read sounds like something we have read in other courses about the importance of play. It is good that others are addressing the importance of that aspect in early childhood.

  4. Hello Brooke, thank you for sharing and I also chose this website. I found it very informative for all type professional in the early childhood field. Sophia

  5. Hello Brooke,

    I also chose the NAEYC website, it definitely does provide detail information pertaining to all areas of early childhood education. Thank you for sharing your information.

  6. Hi Brooke,

    It is great to hear that you are able to get so much information and understanding through this website. The article you read would be useful to tell parents about in case they do not understand the benefits of play. Thank you for sharing.
