Thursday, May 23, 2013

Child Poverty Research and Policy Centre

In China over four million children live in poverty and almost 9 million live in less than ideal conditions.  Poverty conditions have improved since the 90’s.  China has a better education and health system than many other countries.  Beijing is China’s richest city.  China continues to make strides to reduce poverty in the country. In the early two thousand’s China had only 5% of its population living below the national poverty line.


  1. Hi Brooke
    Thank you for highlighting the challenges and strengths of China’s economy when addressing the issue of poverty,

  2. Hello Brooke, I also research China and it is sad to learn about those people in China do not have the basic in a regular bases. I am looking forward to gain more knowledge on this issue so that I can try to work with professional in Haiti to try to reduce the rate of poverty in Haiti by educate the children as well as their families. Sophia

  3. Great research Brooke! China has always been a country that interested me, especially in the education field. I was wondering what the research says about their children going to school year round versus taking summer breaks like we do in the US? I wonder do they have summer breaks for the preschoolers? I think I'm going to research that. Check out my blog later tonight to see what I came up with. Great information!

  4. HI Brooke,

    Great research those statistics seems low for a population of over a billion people, China having the worlds highest population. Interesting. Will you be providing more information from China as one of your countries of interest? I would be interested to learn more as well.
