Saturday, May 11, 2013

Establishing Professional Contracts and Expanding Resources

I had no choice but to go with the alternative assignment this week.  I had no luck finding an international early childhood professional.  I am sure I will learn a lot by exploring all of my classmate’s blogs that were lucky enough to find an international professional in the early childhood field.  I have chosen the NAEYC website to expand my knowledge on issue and trends in the early childhood field.  I am very excited about exploring this site.  This has to be one of my favorite organizations.


  1. Hello Brooke, I agree with you because it hard for me as well to get in contact anyone professionals in another country. However I look forward to explore and learn from everyone. Sophia

  2. Hi Brooke
    I am having the same challenge. I sent our several emails and have not had responses. In another student’s blog, she noted that she contacted six other groups.
    It has been very interesting investigating and learning about the resources and services offered by various organizations.

  3. Brooke,

    You were not alone in having a hard time contacting someone. I think I will use the alternate assignment as a last resort. I was able to contact someone and was advise they will be passing along my information. I hope everyone is successful in completing this task.
