Thursday, May 23, 2013

Option 2

The Early Childhood Education field is a field that will never lose importance. Research in the field brings light to some of the best parenting ideas and styles as well as significance to other key issues in the field of children. It gives us an indication of how children see the world around them and how to put this new information to use for the well-being of children, families and society as a whole. If I could research anything in the early childhood field without restriction or budget I would research the effects of educated early childhood teachers (minimum of a bachelor degree) in the classroom from infant through pre-k. vs. early childhood educators with the basic 40 hours of training Florida requires.  I believe that this would contribute to the field as a whole because I believe the findings would direct us to demanding and expecting educators who are educated to teach in the field of early childhood education.


  1. Your idea behind the research you would do is very interesting. That is crazy to me that Florida only requires 40 hours of training. I do not see how in that short amount of time they would have anywhere near the skills and resources needed to teach children.

  2. The topic that you chose sounds very interesting. I find it interesting because I know teachers from both realms. I find that the teachers with the bachelor degrees are more knowledgeable then the 40 hour or CDA teachers because they have more experience, training, and must attend tons of workshops every year.
