Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

The website that I chose last week was .  This website offers a large variety of resources for educators as well as parents.  NAEYC covers just about every early childhood education topic, issue and trend.  It is a highly informative site that offers a variety of research articles and journals.  NAEYC’s mission is to be a voice for children and lead educators in insuring all children have a high quality early childhood education experience.  A current issue that caught my attention on the NAEYC website was teaching your passion.  Teachers teach better when they are interested in what they are teaching.  This is a new way to approach teaching young children.  Children often take a direct interest in what makes their teacher happy.  This in return allows the child to have deep discoveries and experiences that is of interest to their teacher as well as themselves.  Teachers share their passions which in return helps children discover and be excited about their own passions. 






  1. This website sounds likes it has a lot information for the current issues and trends in Early childhood education. I think that mission statement really tells a lot about this site and really proves it is out to make sure all students have great education and learning throughout their life.

  2. Brooke,
    You are right, NAEYC have great learning information for both educators and parents. You can learn many educational tips from this website. When young children are allowed to choose activities that interest them the most, they get excited and learn quicker. Great posting!!

  3. Hello Brooke, I chose this website as well and I feel that it will be a great resource to help me stay knowledgeable in the early childhood issue and trends. Sophia

  4. Hi Brooke,

    I agree that it makes a difference when the teacher shows she is passionate about something. Children can sense when you are happy and enjoying something and they like to enjoy it with you. One of the teachers I taught English with in Japan did not enjoy the subject at all, she actually told the class that her favorite subject was Math! After the students realized their teacher did not enjoy English they did not put very much effort into learning the subject. It made my job of teaching them very difficult because they did not see the point in learning something that was obviously not interesting to their local teacher. Thanks for sharing!
