Sunday, July 28, 2013

Who Am I as a Communicator?

This week’s assessments shed valuable light on my personal areas of strength and weakness.  My colleagues basically rated me the same.  There was very little difference in the results that I received myself and the results that I scored when they did the assessment.  The one thing that truly surprised me was the verbal aggressiveness assessment.  I scored much more aggressive than I believed I would have.  This is a wonderful example of the world may see you differently than you view yourself.  I have set three reachable goals for my communication strategies and will continue to strive to achieve them.  I will strive to be a more active listener, this will directly assist me in my communication strategies with parents. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke,
    You're assessments were similar to mine. My husband and friend scored me exactly the same for the communication anxiety test and they both scored in the same range for the verbal aggressive test. I was also surprised my my result on the verbal aggressiveness test; i scored higher than i thought i would and my husband and friend scored me lower. I do hope that no one perceives me to be as aggressive as I scored myself to be.
