Saturday, July 13, 2013

Communication Skills-Week 2

The TV show that I chose was Good Luck Charlie.  My children love this show so I sat in with them today and watched it with no volume (they loved that)!  The family seemed to be really close.  The middle aged boy always got a frustrated look from the parents and an older lady that came over and knocked on the door.  The older children looked irritated much of the time.  But the family seemed to come together at the end of the show and looked like a compassionate family.  When I turned the volume on I heard what I had thought originally.  The middle age boy tended to stay in trouble with his parents and the older lady was the neighbor next door that he constantly aggravated.  The older children had a lot of responsibility.  By the end of the show everyone was one big happy family.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke, my cousins love Good Luck Charlie. Body language and facial expressions helped you to figure out what was going on during the show. Did your children complain or get upset when you turned the volume off?
