Saturday, July 27, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

I was driving down the road with my friend today when she noticed a group of individuals on the side of the road.  She was talking about one person in the group yet referred to all of them as “those” people.  This was a microinsult due to the fact that she was indicating that because every individual in the group was acting a specific way the whole group of individuals would act that way.  These individuals were all the same race.  She was directly insulting the racial heritage of the group of individuals on the side of the road.  I felt ashamed that I would have a friend who would insult a group of individuals without knowing them personally.  This experience made me open my eyes and be aware that discrimination is just common behavior for many individuals. I feel that this is a learned behavior that must be altered immediately.  We have got to break the cycle somewhere. 

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