Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Communication and Culture

Communicating with individuals who are dissimilar to me can sometimes be difficult if we do not see eye to eye.  However, through my journey at Walden University I have learned how to incorporate each other’s difference to grow and learn rather than close myself off.  I often feel very isolated and alone because I do not think there are many people that see the world the way that I do.  I live in a small rural town and as Miranda Lambert’s song indicates there are the bar fly’s and the Baptist.  That may sound judgmental however that is the general makeup of our community and I do not fit into either one of those categories.  I find that I do communicate differently with individuals that are dissimilar to me.  This is because I strategize how to effectively communicate with them without offending them.  If I am not careful, things can come out of my mouth in a way that I did not intend for them to come out.  I communicate on a more cautious level.  There are strategies that could potentially help me to communicate more effectively with people that are different than me.  These strategies include

1. Research –the more an individual knows about diverse groups the less stereotypical they will be concerning those individuals or groups of people.

2. Practice- Practice makes perfect.  The more you open yourself up and communicate with people the easier the task at hand gets.

3. Acceptance- acceptance is a vital component in effectively communicating with people that are dissimilar to me. 


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