Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Family Culture

If a major catastrophe forced myself and my family out of our home country and into a diverse situation; that was going to be completely dissimilar to the environment and society make up that we were currently accustomed to I would take three items that I hold dear.  One of these most precious to me would be a necklace with an engraved tree on it.  One reason I would pick this necklace is because it shows strength.  As a tree grows and changes so will we as a family.  Also we would have strong roots like the tree.  Regardless of where we planted our family we would remain strong together.  When other people would ask why this item was so important to me I would explain that it is a symbol of strength.  I would probably also explain that with such a long journey it was essential to be able to wear what I brought to keep my hands free for the extent of the journey ahead.  I would also take a note from my father that I hold close to my heart as well as a pair of earrings from my mother.  If forced to choose only one I would pick the necklace because that is a symbol of the strength I find in our family.  Our family could overcome anything, this would serve as a daily reminder.  Through this assignment I thought deeply about what I value and hold dear.  Things are not important at all, it is the individuals who make up our family that are important. 


  1. Brooke, that was such a touching post. Even though all of them are very important artifacts to you, I can understand why you would rather keep the necklace aside from the letter and the earrings. Its symbolism will be a constant reminder that no matter what you and your family will face, you all will have to stay strong just like that tree. That kind of reminds me of a verse in a gospel song by Johnny Cash called “I Shall Not Be Moved”. You know the part when it says, “just like the tree that is planted by the water, I shall not be moved”. Well, anyway, I could not imagine being displaced to a place where life as we know it is no more, however it has happened to people in the past. For example, when the slaves were brought over from Africa and when Christopher Columbus sailed to the “new world”. They all had to learn how to adapt and live on lands much different from their own. And, that is what the immigrants that come to the US have to do. Most of them are seeking a better life and uprooting their family from their homeland and their culture is probably the last thing they want to do, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to gain access to something better. Great post! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. You have a very enlightening and touching post. Your reasoning behind the tree and the growing strength is wonderful.
