Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Management

Stress and conflict are always present when working with many different individuals.  It is essential that we as early childhood educators are equipment to handle these situations in a professional manner.  For instance I have a child who just turned three years old in May (at the end of May as well).  Because I will not move this child to a pre-k class room and feel she would benefit from her time in a three year old classroom the parents were furious and took her out of the school.  During this time I feel many different emotions, however I must keep them in check and remember that I am not that child’s parent and whether I agree or not they are doing what they feel is best for her.  I dealt with this frustration by writing down my concerns and then speaking with the parents about them.  It is important for both sides of the conflict to be heard and respected.  As early childhood educators we will deal with situations such as these often and must be able to handle them by equipping ourselves with the knowledge needed.

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