Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week 6

Groups are generally hard to leave behind when they are groups with passionate and respectful individuals that make up the overall group.  High performance groups are hardest for me to leave behind due to the over whelming amount of problems we tend to successfully solve together.  The more we work together to accomplish our goals the closer we get and the harder it is to say goodbye.  Rituals that are important to me at the close of a group is recapping the achievements the group has made and reviewing the time line of the accomplishments.  I have become close with a few individuals that attend Walden and I feel it will be very different to leave this group of individuals.  Anytime there is a group that only communicates and performs online it is bound to be different than groups that are created and function face to face.  Adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because it is critical to end on a positive note that will help the group members to successfully be a part of future groups.


  1. I too feel that our internet communications create a different bond than those created face to face.

  2. Groups are hard to leave especially when everyone is working together to accomplish a goal. It's the same when you leaving most of your coworkers when school is ending for the summer. It's very hard when you use to seeing them everyday.
