Wednesday, June 26, 2013

When I Think of Research......

I have gained so many valuable insights from taking this research course.  I have learned the value of quality research and how to find quality research when searching on the internet.  My ideas have remained somewhat the same when it comes to the nature of doing research.  Research is not my area of specialty, however I have enjoyed the insight I have gained from the course.  I learned how to plan, design and successfully conduct research through the research simulation project.  I encountered plenty of challenges in the course do to the fact that research is not my passion; however it is necessary in effectively learning to solve issues related to young children and the early childhood field as a whole. My perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course because I truly understand the need for high quality early childhood professionals.  There is a significant lack of high qualified early childhood educators and through research and understanding this can be improved in the future of early childhood education. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Final Blog for EDUC 6162-1

Learning about early childhood in the international realm of things is significant to all educators.  This is due in fact to the overwhelming diverse families that are entering the United States on a daily basis.  Educators must be highly aware of how to appropriately educate and communicate with families that are diverse.  Learning about the early childhood education field from an international standpoint is essential for educators to be more effective with their teaching and to understand the families and children that are in their care.  A continuing goal of mine is to continue learning and communicating with individuals internationally to continue enhancing my knowledge. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week 7

There are countless articles and a significant amount of essential information on this website that would directly relate to my professional goal.  The mere fact that this organizations strives to obtain high quality education for all children and to inform as many educators as possible of the vital information they can obtain by using this website as a valuable resource is a tool for my professional goal.  When obtaining my goal I will be influencing future educators to fully engage in learning and understanding about the broad spectrum of early childhood education from an international standpoint. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the First International Day of the Girl Child.  What a positive change for the world to recognize!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

The outside sources on the NAEYC website offer exclusive information for childcare providers, parents and any individual looking to gain knowledge about the early childhood education field.  NAEYC is dedicated to providing up to date information on their website as well as provide other available resources.  I loved the article Five Essentials to Meaningful Play by Marcia L. Nell and Walter F. Drew.  This article assists parents in understanding the importance of play and the benefits that it brings to children and their development.  The NAEYC website offers a variety of information that adds to my personal understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education.  Everything on their website strengthens early childcare providers and programs through research and resources available.  Generally this website strengthens my knowledge through reading the different articles and research conducted.  I don’t know a time I have not learned something from viewing this website. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Research Around the World

While reviewing the website I reviewed a journal titled Societalisation of early childhood education and services.  This was a current journal that concentrated its focus on the change in the overall early childhood field over the last decade.  This journal showed how we have progressed into what is known today and the importance early childhood plays in society as a whole.  This journal along with many others was packed full of valuable information that can grow the individual knowledge of the early childhood professional. 

Getting to Know Your International Contacts

While reviewing the website Center on the Developing Child Harvard University I found it interesting that the center’s unfailing pledge to early childhood field as well as professionals is felt around the world.  The center appreciates the responsibility they have taken on by meeting the needs of all children and investing in quality education in the global world.  They work diligently to achieve the goals set forth.  The extensive program focuses on educating decision makers on the learning, health and behavior of children during their earliest years. 



Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

On the NAEYC website there is a section devoted to professional development.  I use this section almost on a daily basis when needing to look up essential information, facts or resources concerning students in my class or the overall program in general.  I have a great interest in this section of the NAEYC website.  This section also delivers what I think to be some controversial reports on research that has been conducted in the early childhood field.  This often brings new issues to mind or further research concerning the specific topic.  NAEYC is influential in many different ways.  Given that NAEYC is one of the largest organizations in the early childhood field it is often looked at by economist as well as politicians.  NAEYC stands strong for young children, and have many position statements that clearly support their thinking.  There are many different articles that are solely devoted to what neuroscientist, economists and politicians think and hold true.  These articles can be found on their professional development section.  There are updates constantly on this website.  I feel that any information I get from the NAEYC website is accurate.