Sunday, July 28, 2013

Who Am I as a Communicator?

This week’s assessments shed valuable light on my personal areas of strength and weakness.  My colleagues basically rated me the same.  There was very little difference in the results that I received myself and the results that I scored when they did the assessment.  The one thing that truly surprised me was the verbal aggressiveness assessment.  I scored much more aggressive than I believed I would have.  This is a wonderful example of the world may see you differently than you view yourself.  I have set three reachable goals for my communication strategies and will continue to strive to achieve them.  I will strive to be a more active listener, this will directly assist me in my communication strategies with parents. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

I was driving down the road with my friend today when she noticed a group of individuals on the side of the road.  She was talking about one person in the group yet referred to all of them as “those” people.  This was a microinsult due to the fact that she was indicating that because every individual in the group was acting a specific way the whole group of individuals would act that way.  These individuals were all the same race.  She was directly insulting the racial heritage of the group of individuals on the side of the road.  I felt ashamed that I would have a friend who would insult a group of individuals without knowing them personally.  This experience made me open my eyes and be aware that discrimination is just common behavior for many individuals. I feel that this is a learned behavior that must be altered immediately.  We have got to break the cycle somewhere. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

When interviewing three different individuals concerning what culture and diversity are, I received a variety of answers. Interview 1 stated: It just means valuing that there are a multiple opinions in the universe, and that not everybody has the same beliefs, religion or customs. Interview 2 stated:  People from different countries or a different race.  Interview 3 stated: People that are different in their ethnic background, race and religion.  All of these answers when put together do fit into what culture and diversity mean.  Whereas we could add a lot to these three definitions, these individuals are not currently studying perspectives on diversity and culture.  These three individuals were however early childhood educators.  This shows me directly the importance of continuing education.  It is essential as early childhood educators that we have a real sense of what diversity and culture involve and how to facilitate the vast differences in families and children in our programs.   All of the aspects of culture and diversity discussed have been studied in this course, but we have taken the information and dug deeper and looked closer at diverse meanings of diversity and culture.  None of these aspects have necessarily been omitted however we look deeper into such things such as race or ethnic background.  By evaluating how other individuals think of diversity and culture it has made my feelings strengthen in the importance of education on these topics.  We must open our minds and hearts to the multiple meaning of both of these words and to understand that we are each and every one different and diverse. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Communication and Culture

Communicating with individuals who are dissimilar to me can sometimes be difficult if we do not see eye to eye.  However, through my journey at Walden University I have learned how to incorporate each other’s difference to grow and learn rather than close myself off.  I often feel very isolated and alone because I do not think there are many people that see the world the way that I do.  I live in a small rural town and as Miranda Lambert’s song indicates there are the bar fly’s and the Baptist.  That may sound judgmental however that is the general makeup of our community and I do not fit into either one of those categories.  I find that I do communicate differently with individuals that are dissimilar to me.  This is because I strategize how to effectively communicate with them without offending them.  If I am not careful, things can come out of my mouth in a way that I did not intend for them to come out.  I communicate on a more cautious level.  There are strategies that could potentially help me to communicate more effectively with people that are different than me.  These strategies include

1. Research –the more an individual knows about diverse groups the less stereotypical they will be concerning those individuals or groups of people.

2. Practice- Practice makes perfect.  The more you open yourself up and communicate with people the easier the task at hand gets.

3. Acceptance- acceptance is a vital component in effectively communicating with people that are dissimilar to me. 


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Communication Skills-Week 2

The TV show that I chose was Good Luck Charlie.  My children love this show so I sat in with them today and watched it with no volume (they loved that)!  The family seemed to be really close.  The middle aged boy always got a frustrated look from the parents and an older lady that came over and knocked on the door.  The older children looked irritated much of the time.  But the family seemed to come together at the end of the show and looked like a compassionate family.  When I turned the volume on I heard what I had thought originally.  The middle age boy tended to stay in trouble with his parents and the older lady was the neighbor next door that he constantly aggravated.  The older children had a lot of responsibility.  By the end of the show everyone was one big happy family.   

My Family Culture

If a major catastrophe forced myself and my family out of our home country and into a diverse situation; that was going to be completely dissimilar to the environment and society make up that we were currently accustomed to I would take three items that I hold dear.  One of these most precious to me would be a necklace with an engraved tree on it.  One reason I would pick this necklace is because it shows strength.  As a tree grows and changes so will we as a family.  Also we would have strong roots like the tree.  Regardless of where we planted our family we would remain strong together.  When other people would ask why this item was so important to me I would explain that it is a symbol of strength.  I would probably also explain that with such a long journey it was essential to be able to wear what I brought to keep my hands free for the extent of the journey ahead.  I would also take a note from my father that I hold close to my heart as well as a pair of earrings from my mother.  If forced to choose only one I would pick the necklace because that is a symbol of the strength I find in our family.  Our family could overcome anything, this would serve as a daily reminder.  Through this assignment I thought deeply about what I value and hold dear.  Things are not important at all, it is the individuals who make up our family that are important. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Competent Communication

Throughout my life I have had many wonderful role models that effectively communicate.  My sister is an incredible communicator.  She seems to never get flustered and her facial expression does not alter to show her feelings throughout the individual’s conversation.  She does not interrupt.  She waits till the person communicating has finished what they have to say good, bad or in between and then she comments with ease and comfort.  I have strived to learn her ways of competent communication throughout the years.  I have improved in my tactics but I have a long way to go.