Thursday, May 23, 2013

Child Poverty Research and Policy Centre

In China over four million children live in poverty and almost 9 million live in less than ideal conditions.  Poverty conditions have improved since the 90’s.  China has a better education and health system than many other countries.  Beijing is China’s richest city.  China continues to make strides to reduce poverty in the country. In the early two thousand’s China had only 5% of its population living below the national poverty line.

Option 2

The Early Childhood Education field is a field that will never lose importance. Research in the field brings light to some of the best parenting ideas and styles as well as significance to other key issues in the field of children. It gives us an indication of how children see the world around them and how to put this new information to use for the well-being of children, families and society as a whole. If I could research anything in the early childhood field without restriction or budget I would research the effects of educated early childhood teachers (minimum of a bachelor degree) in the classroom from infant through pre-k. vs. early childhood educators with the basic 40 hours of training Florida requires.  I believe that this would contribute to the field as a whole because I believe the findings would direct us to demanding and expecting educators who are educated to teach in the field of early childhood education.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Educating the Educator

Early childhood educators have an essential job in establishing an academic foundation that is strong for their students.  Early childhood educators give direction during a vital part of a young child’s education when their social skills are developing.  Educators have a direct influence on children and how they think of school. Although many early childhood educators are not highly educated it is becoming more understood daily the importance of early childhood educators who obtain higher education.  I have owned and operated Green Gables Day School in Palatka Florida for 10 years.  It is almost impossible to find a teacher who even has an associate degree. Forty hours training is what is required of early childhood educators in Florida.  Going above and beyond that is almost unheard of.  The passion you must have to continue your education when a teacher in the early childhood field makes barely above minimum wage takes a dedicated professional. 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

The website that I chose last week was .  This website offers a large variety of resources for educators as well as parents.  NAEYC covers just about every early childhood education topic, issue and trend.  It is a highly informative site that offers a variety of research articles and journals.  NAEYC’s mission is to be a voice for children and lead educators in insuring all children have a high quality early childhood education experience.  A current issue that caught my attention on the NAEYC website was teaching your passion.  Teachers teach better when they are interested in what they are teaching.  This is a new way to approach teaching young children.  Children often take a direct interest in what makes their teacher happy.  This in return allows the child to have deep discoveries and experiences that is of interest to their teacher as well as themselves.  Teachers share their passions which in return helps children discover and be excited about their own passions. 





Saturday, May 11, 2013

Establishing Professional Contracts and Expanding Resources

I had no choice but to go with the alternative assignment this week.  I had no luck finding an international early childhood professional.  I am sure I will learn a lot by exploring all of my classmate’s blogs that were lucky enough to find an international professional in the early childhood field.  I have chosen the NAEYC website to expand my knowledge on issue and trends in the early childhood field.  I am very excited about exploring this site.  This has to be one of my favorite organizations.