Saturday, March 30, 2013

My COnnections to Play

My Connections to Play


It’s better to play than do anything.


Play is the beginning of knowledge.



Three essential play items

1. Shovel


2. Tennis Shoes


3. Bike


Life was not as busy when I was young and children were not involved in so many different activities.  Play was supported by adults probably because children could go outside and play with little to no supervision.  This kept children out of their parent’s way and tired the children out before bedtime.  We now know there is much more to play time than just keeping children busy.  Children learn to do many different skills through uninterrupted play time.  Children do not have the luxury any longer to go out and play without adult supervision.  The world has turned so violent and parents can just not take the chance of letting their child out of their sight due to unspeakable crimes that could happen to them.    Therefore it is vital for parents and caregivers alike to provide children safe supervised uninterrupted play. When I was young my favorite thing to do was role play.  Children need the opportunity to explore role play and engage in hands on experimenting on a daily basis. 



  1. That is true Brooke, we all have to continually supervise children,not only against other children but even against their own actions. I'm sure you understand with owning your Kindergarten. Do you agree with my observation?

  2. Hello Brooke,
    I enjoyed your post. very interesting. It is true that how caregivers supported children with little supervision. Children back then or when I was growing up, we could go outside and play for hours. Chldren now days, have to be supervised due to actions of others.

  3. I will piggyback off of the others comments. I agree with you that children must be supervised at all times now. There was once a time when the whole neighborhood looked out for the children. Now it's the very neighborhood you have to watch out for.

  4. Brooke,
    You made a interesting comment about children being encouraged to go outside to play to keep the children out of the way and tire them out for bed. Do you think that was the only reason some parents encouraged play or do you think that they knew the important of play even if they could not explain why?

  5. I agree play has changed dramatically since we were children. I can remember playing outside until we were glistening in dirt. We would be so exhausted some nights we would not have the energy to sit up and eat. It's sad that parents have to micro supervise our children as they play outside, that makes it very difficult fro children to enjoy being outside and parents to get things done in that time while children are outside.

  6. You are right our world today is just not safe and we as adults must mointer our children every minute because of the crazy crimes that are being committed today. Children are so invovled in many activities as well as technology taking over our childrens play time. Compare to the old times children do not play the same as we did and they are more shelter and protected by theri gaurdians.
