Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Supports

My Supports

I am so very fortunate to have a wonderful best friend who I love more than life itself!  In October my husband and I separated and my best friend moved in with my children and myself.  My husband had never been an active father or husband.  He was in law enforcement and for anyone who has ever been married to someone in law enforcement understands that that is really all I have to say.  Law enforcement officers have a tendency to be so engulfed in their work they often forget they have a family and when they do have an opportunity to be with the family they just do not know how to fit in.  Therefore self-medicating often happens.  Between drinking and sleeping he didn’t have time to bother with us.  (This of course is not true for every law enforcement officer).  Through this difficult transition she took a very hand on role with my children and for the first time in their seven years of living they had two parents to turn to.  I would never hand that role to just anyone or too lightly.  That is a very special role that in my opinion if it did not occur naturally it must be earned.   Marian has been there for myself and my children for the past six months and she is my daily support.  She helps me to remember to be thankful for all that I have and the fact that I do not have to raise my two children alone anymore. My children are the love of my life, and without their daily support I would drowned in guilt.  My children are proud of me for going back to school, therefore, every time I say sorry guys mommy has a paper to write they say “okay well maybe we can play after”.  Without Marian my best friend and my two children I would be one despondent person.  I could achieve my personal goals; continue working hard at my business and going to school.  But what would it matter?   These three people are not just my daily support, but my life support!


  1. Brooke,
    It is great that you have a friend that is there for you when needed the most. Support is something that is totally necessary to make it from one day to the next sometimes.

  2. I think its very good to have a support system in your life, we need someone to talk to, to help us, to guide us to hold our hands through challenges. Support system makes us stronger and better individuals.

  3. I enjoyed reading your post. My best friends are one of my support system. Friends are very supportive.

  4. This was a great post that you wrote. Our support system is our life even we do not think so as people we always need someone we can count on for that support we need. Friends are great support systems and we should be their for them in return. When we need to vent or just talk you should always have someone their in your life to help guide you in the right direction.
