Saturday, March 9, 2013

Birthing Experiences

Child birth is an exciting and special time in a women’s life.  I could not wait for the birth of my son, but at the same time I just couldn’t imagine the pain I was about to endure.  I decided that in reality the pain could only be so bad.  I mean women have children every day.  Well of course I would have the birthing experience from hell with two full days of laboring and then the baby getting stuck in the birth canal.  I began running a very high fever and off we went for an emergency C-section at 7:30 p.m. and had a new baby boy at 7:47.  Within twenty four hours it was evident that the baby was not a 100%.  The baby ended up with an infection and we spent 10 days in the NICU.  Not so fun for your birthing experience.  However birth is life and you certainly cannot predict life.  Child development is a process that we will never quit researching we will continually gain more knowledge and use the knowledge to improve the birthing experience.


In France things are different than in the US.  There is much better insurance for pregnant mothers therefore they have more of a say so of how they would like there birthing experience to be.  The norm in France seems to be whatever the mother prefers which is vital for a stress free birthing experience.  Many other countries have a majority of births taking place anywhere but in a controlled environment, whereas the US has the majority of their births in a controlled environment. 


  1. Brooke,
    I like that the norm in France is honoring the mother's preference thus creating the most stress free environment. I would agree with this unless, of course, there are major complications that the doctor must override. It is my personal belief that the mental status of the mother, and even the father or whomever is present at birth, has a huge impact mentally on the new baby.

    Thank you for sharing your personal birthing experience, too! It's not necessarily something one would want to share with people you don't know well. I appreciate your honesty!


  2. Wow what a birth experience, your are right birth is life and you cant predict life. I think that is very interesting about women in France having a choice, I think that's a good thing.

  3. Wow, I can not imagine enduring the labor and delivery you did. One of the joys of child birth is that pain and heart is short lived once we realize we have a beautiful bundle of joy. Child birth is one of the most painful,but rewarding experiences a woman can go through. Many blessing to you and your son!
