Saturday, March 16, 2013

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are always a complex subject.  I have relationships with many people.  I have a working relationship with the parents that are at my school, teachers, as well as the children.  Then I have personal relationships such as my children, parents, siblings, and best friend.  Relationships are important part of life and can make an individual be perceived in a certain way.  To have a positive relationship it is vital to keep these different forms of relationships such as working and personal in there correct box, and not to intermingle the two.  I feel that partnerships with team mates at work and parents are vital to have a healthy relationship in the work and school environment. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post because I can relate to you. I too have a professional relationship with the parents of my children in my classroom, coworkers, and children in my class. My perosnal relationships include my children, parents, and friends. These relationships are all differnt but all have one thing in common postive feedback and reliabilty. I am able to talk to all these people and provide them with positive conversation as well as positve advice that will help all of us make it through the day.
