Friday, February 1, 2013

Walden Week 4 Quotes

“While most child care teachers and providers continue to earn poverty-level wages, and many beneficiaries of the above-mentioned compensation initiatives still are woefully underpaid, there is little argument within the child care field, and a slowly dawning awareness among policy makers, that improved services for young children in the U.S. require better compensation for the child care workforce.” (Whitebook, Mary 2002)



Interventions for young children with disabilities are more effective when the adults involved form collaborative partnerships. (Buysee, Virgina Ph.D.)




“Passion is contagious”

Course Media: "The Passion for Early Childhood"
Five early childhood professionals share passion, motivation, and commitment to the early childhood field.


  1. Brooke,

    I agree with Dr. Whitebrook, many child care teachers are not properly compensated.

    Any attempt to answer the question of "how much should child care teachers be paid?", raises numerous questions and requires lots of methodical analytic study. Often times little or no advanced education is required to become a child care teacher, this could be a determining factor in compensation, but I believe this paradigm is beginning to shift.

    It was 11 years ago that Dr. Whitebrook made the quote you chose. What, if anything, do you think has changed? How much closer, if at all, are we to realizing Dr. Whitebrook's vision of early childhood education in the 21st century? Just something to think about.

    Have a blessed Superbowl weekend!


  2. I love the quote "Passion is Contagious" is an amazing quote, I feel like if you have passion for something and the passion you have affects everyone around you its amazing...

  3. Hi Brooke,

    I love the quote "Passion is contagious" but I do not find it very true. I do however feel like it is obvious when someone has the passion for their career and when someone does not. It is almost like you can see it in someones eyes. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I also love the quote " Passion is contagious" . This is somewhat true because if people around you see your love and passion for your field , they too will take some of your energy and apply it to their their field. For instance lets say a teacher has been teaching 20 years and losses her passion, a less experience teacher can help her reignite her passion for teaching again. Just my thoughts.
