Saturday, February 23, 2013

*To advocate for and ensure that all children, including those with special needs, have access to the support services needed to be success.
* To participate in building support networks for families by providing them with opportunities to interact with program staff, other families, community resources, and professional services.
*To work through education, research, and advocacy toward a society in which all young children have access to high-quality early care and education programs.

These three ideals were important for me.  I think that every early childhood professional should be concerened with these three ideals at all times.  We must make all children feel included at all times.  We must build support systems for our families in our care and provide professional services when needed.  All young children should have access to high quality education. 


  1. Brooke,

    Thanks for your post, I agree with all your ideals. Actually, all of the ideals on the NAEYC and DEC statements make good common sense to me. Sadly, I think about how people lose that simple trait as they (we) grow into adults. Sometimes as their our world views grow more cynical and complicated we forget to keep things simple. That is the beautiful thing about children, they have few, if any, preconceived notions, they are just trying to keep it simple and enjoy the moment. I hope you are enjoying yours! Have a great weekend!


  2. Brooke,

    Thank you for your feedback throughout the course. The experience learned from you and others throughout this class has opened my eyes and changed the way I previously thought about the field of early childhood development. I want to share a quote with you that I heard today and it stuck with me, it goes something like this: "A failure can be success, if we learn." I look forward to sharing more stories along the way. Have a blessed weekend!


  3. Brooke,

    It has been a great pleasure working with you throughout the class. I have followed your discussions and blogs each week and I have really enjoyed communicating with you. I really look forward to working with you in the next class!
