Monday, May 19, 2014

Personal Introduction for Global Perspectives on Development and Learning

Hello everyone!  I have not had to do a blog for a class at Walden in quite sometime.  I am currently on the fast track to complete my Ed.D by taking two classes a semester.  I work better when I am totally 100% engaged in something so I actually think it is easier to take two at one time.  I know that sounds nuts, but as an owner of an early childhood facility I have ample opportunities to develop current knowledge and research with a hands on approach.  I have two children Connor who is 8 and McKenzie who is 6.  They are a full-time job of their very own between all of their activities.  I look forward to blogging with you all and exchanging tidbits of interesting facts we are gathering through this process.  Best of luck to you all!
Brooke Downs

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