Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final Post

Well this is it!  I cannot believe that I am finishing my master’s degree.  It is always interesting where life takes you and the challenges that you can push through in order to achieve success.  I plan on continuing to advance my personal knowledge by beginning the doctorate program January 6th! 


  1. BROOKE,
    It has been wonderful reading your work! Good Luck with your doctorate and Congrats!!!

  2. Brooke,

    Congratulations!! We did it. I have appreciated learning with you. Which program are you beginning on January 6th? I am considering a doctorate program, but I am not starting until March. I wanted to take a bit of a break. I wish you the best!


  3. Brooke,
    I wish you all the best as you pursue the doctorate program. I am also planning on starting mine very soon. It has been wonderful reading your blogs and discussions. I wish you all the best.
