Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Three organizations that interest me and I would be so grateful for any job at would be NAEYC, National Head Start Association as well as National Association of Early Childhood Educators.  Although I would love the experience of working at these different organizations my true passion is to be in a college classroom directly assisting future early childhood educators.  The jobs I located on these sites would require me to have additional understanding of national standards and criteria.  As an owner and director of an early childcare facility I am knowledgeable when it comes to these different issues, but I feel that I would need a deeper more complex understanding to actually work at these organizations.   Three specific jobs I would be interested and currently have the education required to fulfill are Public Policy Associate, Program Coordinator, as well as a Human Resource. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community:Local and State Levels

There are different varieties of communities of practice that appeal to me personally.  This is due to the fact that I have an intense desire to better the field of early childhood education for young children as well as educators.  With this said three communities of practice that appeal to me in my local area is the early learning coalition, episcopal children’s services as well as Putnam provider association.  These three communities of practice deal with implementing successful practices that will continue to improve the field of early childhood education.  The reason I began the educational journey I am currently on is to implement effective practices for future educators in the early childhood field.  My desire is to teach on the college level.  I have not had a lot of experience trying to get my foot in the door in this field however. I will continue my education when this journey is complete by beginning my doctorate degree in January.  I currently own a local preschool and have been successful in maintaining excellence in the preschool for our small rural community.  I feel it is essential to strive to educate professionals in the field and that it is a duty to continue to push for early childhood educators to be educated!  

Friday, November 1, 2013

Dear Classmates

Dear classmates….I look forward to getting to know all of you through the different 

activities that we will engage in during this last class.  I can’t believe that this is it!  

Good luck to all of you!

Brooke Downs Guy