Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Module 3 -Diverse Perspectives From The Field

It is always interesting to get a dissimilar opinion to something that means a lot to you and has become your passion.  You get almost defensive over the topic and your beliefs.  But as an early childhood professional it is imperative to not only be open minded but maintain an open heart as well.  When we stop and listen to someone else opinion, especially those that differ from our own we can begin to visualize their perspective through their eyes.  I have a colleague that truly believes that inclusive classrooms are disruptive and take away from the advantages of a normal classroom for students without disabilities as well as takes away from the advantages of the students with disabilities to get the individualized attention they may need or desire.  She feels that many times the teachers focus must be on the student with disabilities therefore her other students fall through the cracks.  This is especially true when dealing with children that fall under the ASD umbrella.  There are different things that may set any individual off, but these students tend to be set off more frequently.  When discussing this topic with her I felt threatened by her closed minded approach to early childhood education.  Once she explained her position on the topic I could see where she was coming from.  Although I think inclusive classrooms are a positive.  Understanding her feelings as a classroom teacher who has experienced it firsthand I had to respect her opinion and outlook on the topic.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Personal Introduction for Global Perspectives on Development and Learning

Hello everyone!  I have not had to do a blog for a class at Walden in quite sometime.  I am currently on the fast track to complete my Ed.D by taking two classes a semester.  I work better when I am totally 100% engaged in something so I actually think it is easier to take two at one time.  I know that sounds nuts, but as an owner of an early childhood facility I have ample opportunities to develop current knowledge and research with a hands on approach.  I have two children Connor who is 8 and McKenzie who is 6.  They are a full-time job of their very own between all of their activities.  I look forward to blogging with you all and exchanging tidbits of interesting facts we are gathering through this process.  Best of luck to you all!
Brooke Downs