Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final Post

Well this is it!  I cannot believe that I am finishing my master’s degree.  It is always interesting where life takes you and the challenges that you can push through in order to achieve success.  I plan on continuing to advance my personal knowledge by beginning the doctorate program January 6th! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 6

Three international organizations that I was interested in looking into to investigate any available jobs were the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Save the Children as well as UNICEF.  All three of these organizations value the education of young children and truly make a difference in the early childhood field as a whole.  Three potential jobs I identified with these organizations were a research-analyst which was a program for international student assessments, Specialist Early Childhood Development as well as an Education Specialist.  Unfortunately all three of these jobs require that I speak more than one language.  Although I took three years of a Spanish and French I do not feel that I am fluent enough to efficiently perform the job.  All three of these occupations would be immensely educating and exciting.